It has been stated that a lot of republicans just call Liberals ---Progressives and that that progressives are just socialists hiding under a different name.
First of all lets just clear this up right here right now.That for one thing is just a crazy opinion that a lot of republicans are using as a type of fear and hate ta tactic to try and convince some people in the middle that they need to consider to vote republican to keep the so called socialist idea from surfacing.This alone is taken by me a false statement with no facts to back it up so it is basically a lie.
Next lets address even if I allow people to label us as progressives.I say no lets not but instead lets just call this our attempt to try and help the country "progress" and progressiveness but without the help of the party of no we are not able to get very much progress as the republicans are trying to stop any good signs of progress as a political ploy.
It is going to be a tough rode ahead because of all the damage bush did to the economy during his eight years.Yes we all know that Clinton signed NAFTA during his presidency which was originally set up to mainly in courage companies to open up new projects in Mexico and Canada.The NAFTA was supposed to create higher paying jobs for the people of Mexico so that it would help their economy so much that they would actually start purchasing more goods from the United States and also stem the tide of illegal immigration.This same theory was designed to also create better exports from the United States to Canada as well.But we all know what happened after this portion of the NAFTA didn't work out so well even though 18 out of 19 different agencies which were hired to do a study to see if signing of the NAFTA would end up costing jobs from the United States said that it would not.Very large companies from the US started to realize the potential-- and this was because of greed--of simply shutting down some companies and just opening up over seas where they wouldn't have to pay even a minimum wage.
During this period of time during Bush's first few years- and just to clarify I am not saying all companies moved overseas during the Bush years ,but for the ones that were moving a lot of things were beginning to happen.
One of the things that was starting to happen was---and again lets be clear here.We all know Clinton signed the housing bill that would allow banks to give a loan to people for a higher priced home that they used to be able to give a loan to.During this period people knew that the worth of their home was still going up and in most cases they were being fairly frugal and just making their house and car payment and their wasn't a lot of equity loans given during this period.
Then during the Bush years,yes you are right unemployment was 4.6% but the percentage of good middle class jobs versus the low paying minimum wage paying jobs were decreasing during the retail economy explosion period of time during the Bush years.I call it the retail explosion period of time because It was during these years where a ton of Wall marts were built.Wall mart was making millions of dollars and unions were blocked from being started in some of them to keep the wages lower.I believe this blockage started in Canada first.Lots of fast food places were being built all over America as well as more well known retail type places that did not pay enough to call them middle class supporting types of jobs.And yes this also helped a lot in keeping the unemployment percentage of staying low while at the same time the middle class was shrinking.
But while all of this was happening and Bush was smiling because all he saw were the numbers of 4.6% a very bad thing was happening in the minds of the greedy elite wealthy stockholders.A much higher perception of what used to be considered-- good returns on stock dividends-- was starting to occur.The elite wealthy were seeing huge returns on some of their stock holdings in which they had invested in some of those companies which had either opened up another location overseas or actually closed the one down here in the US and open back up overseas, so that the profit margin would be was higher because of how they treat the workers over there.So why don't you go ask one of these elite wealthy republicans that moved a company to Indonesia why he didn't open it up in Germany.That's right ,you got it right,those German people aren't stupid and I am not saying those Indonesians are either it's just that they are forced to work and live in total poverty while the Major players in the company and the big stock holders reap all the rewards for those peoples hard labor.I hate to see what would happen to those poor people if they tried to start a union over there.
But while this new greed for stock holders at the expense of American jobs here was happening, lets just remember what was happening on the home front.The shift was occurring just like you said,and I think you will have to agree that greed is what actually caused the whole shift to occur where good jobs move out of the US and are replaced by lower paying jobs here in the building retail explosion here in the US like fast foods places everywhere you look and wall marts in every city selling mostly items and I would say up to 80% from China.But these new jobs would not support the failing economy for long as we all know all to well was was about to happen.Yes people had jobs but they were forced to charge things on their charge cards to stay afloat.Because in a lot of cases at least one and this was usually the women of a married couple lost their good paying job in a small business but the husband still had their fairly good paying factory job or some other city or some other good paying job.So in order to make ends meet the women gets a job at wall mart if she is lucky.But the bills had mounted up and while they are making payments OK they are not able to purchase anything extra and this fact alone starts to hurt the economy.
Republicans will say what they want,like at least they had jobs.This just doesn't get it with me.This fact alone didn't insure that the economy was about to implode ,but it was obviously one of the bigger factors.You probably didn't even realize that Bush was looking the other way as his advisers were telling him that as the price of homes had peaked, and that in a lot of cities they were actually starting to gradually fall.His advisers had to be telling him that unless he does something to stop all the millions of people who were getting equity loans in order to pay off their credit cards that had ran up because the housing boom was over and in some cases they had ran up their credit cards in order to buy some of the new electronic toys that were coming out at a fast rate and were very popular I might add.But no ,Bush looked the other way because he knew that his administration was getting close to the end of his second and last term and that if he did try and do something to stop this crazy influx of equity loans that were in essence one of the main things propping up the economy that did look good numbers wise as far as unemployment during his administration, but not so good when you look at all the problems that surfaced right at the end.All of the things that happened right at the end makes one think that someone had to know.
So now we shift to the Bush tax cuts that did nothing unless you count the times that a portion of the elite wealthy republicans that might have used their portion of the tax cut to invest in wall mart stock which only helps them gain ever more profits but not help the economy as a whole. Because the people making this low wage at wall marts basically stay in survival mode and just pay rent and their used car payment and food and utilities.This type of worker doesn't really help the overall economy like the former employee of one of the companies that used to pay good wages but moved overseas.
So remember what I was saying about” the new over-expectations” of high dividend payments would be for people that purchase stock.It is my belief that even if the Bush tax cuts were extended that when the elite wealthy received these stock cuts they would mainly invest theirs into the company stock of one of the companies that opened up overseas.This fact alone should tell you that by extending the Bush tax cuts it wouldn't create any new jobs.These people just do not care for the middle class.All they want is to be billionaires because the old just a millionaire is now old hat.So if they do invest here in America it will be in wall mart or some fast food stock or somewhere where the company has been successful in keeping out the union because then they wouldn't be able to be instant millionaires would they.
So the way I see it,we all ready shot for the moon ---been there done that,and we once shot for the moon-and had landed for awhile as far as being a powerful middle classs wage earning factory based country producing and exporting lots of goods to other countries.But what stopped us was during the last 30 years the disparity has constantly changed as far as the divide between the net worth of the wealthy versus the lowering wages of the middle class.Greed is what has caused this.And now the republicans are floundering in a denial that they were the main culprits and will not admit that they were the main blame.And now even though they have no ideas as to what we should do to try and fix the broken economy they for now just crave the feeling of power and of being back in control.So they are currently stooping so low that they are trying many different tactics such as fear-blame-and crazy statements like Obama is a Muslim.
And now here we are getting close to the 2010 midterm elections and the polls show that the democrats are actually behind in a lot of races.Obama and the democratic administration has done a lot to improve the economy but a lot of corrections will need to be changed in the area of the laws within the world trade laws and the ways things have been added to allow companies to outsource will have to be changed.Instead of extending President Bush's individual income tax cuts, the legislation senators will consider would impose tax increases on corporations that shift operations overseas, costing U.S. jobs.All this happened on September 24th 2010.And as usual the republicans blocked the bill again.
My God,when will it all stop and when will the zombi Faux lovers realize what a foolish belief they have apparently bought into.
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